All fields are open.
Bliss Field
3 Fairfield Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769 United States
Field #1
1892 County St Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
This is the field nearest the driveway.
Field #3
1892 County St Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
This is the field closest to the shed
Field 1 - Town Hall
979 SOMERSET AVE Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
Field 2 - Town Hall
979 SOMERSET AVE Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
Field 3 - Town Hall
979 SOMERSET AVE Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
Field D
1551 Somerset Ave Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
Field E
1551 Somerset Ave Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
Kindergarten Field
1892 County St Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States
This is the smallest field, located near the back corner on the side where the shed is.
Spellman Field
PO Box 621 Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 United States